Guitar Academy Book 3 maintains the thorough and wide-ranging approach established in volumes one and two. Classical guitar techniques and repertoire are developed and supplemented by styles and techniques from various popular styles, including folk, rock, blues, jazz, country, Latin, and African music. Musicianship is encouraged through ensemble, ear training, and improvisation. Guitar Academy is the most thorough and complete guitar method available today.
The book is made up of three parts:
- A classical guitar tutor
- Ensemble supplement
- Song/chord tutor
- Classical style: chords and arpeggios
- Slurs: ascending and descending
- Tone production and nail care
- Planting techniques
- Damping the bass strings
- Articulation: legato and staccato
- Vibrato technique
- Natural harmonics and pizzicato
- Popular accompanying styles
- Higher positions: 4th, 5th, and 7th positions
- New rhythmic values: the semiquaver, dotted quaver, and triplets
- Key signatures: relative minors/majors
- Scales and modes: major, minor, chromatic, pentatonic minor, blues, Dorian, Mixolydian
- Musical signs: tempo and change of tempo
- New chords: maj/min/dom 7ths, power chords
- Chord theory: triads, 7ths, the harmonised scale
- The 12-bar blues
- Improvisation and composition
- Ear training and playing by ear
- A brief history of the guitar
- How to practise and memorise
- Written tests
- Homework diary
- Website: resources and links